I found this moth inside today! He was clinging to the lace curtains next to the window above the kitchen sink.This is the 3rd one I have seen so far this spring.
Don’t you just love his big, hairy antennae? After some quick research (I looked up hairy antennae moth, lol) I found out this is a male Polyphemus Moth (Antheraea polyphemus)! Apparently females have much smaller antennae.
Carefully cupped in my hands, I carried him outside. I was lucky enough to capture such a nice photo of him in my hand before he picked up his big, dusty wings and fluttered off into the trees in the back yard.
“Come back and visit anytime”, I said. I love visitors from the outdoors!
So lovely! I think I may have seen one of these once, many years ago. It was spread out right under the room-number plate on the door of a quaint little inn that I stayed at. At first, I thought it was decoration, but then it moved! I get so giddy from things like that!