Tried My Hand At It : Felt Cat Bed

It was a challenge but turned out great!

Wool Felt Cat Bed

What is it?.. It is a cat (or other small animal) bed made out of wool that is seamless, padded, made of an eco friendly material, easily washed and it’s great for going into or pressing it down and laying on top. I’m daydreaming of making a large one for myself..

Wool Felt Cat Bed


How was it made?.. I laid wool fibers on top of a wet XL cloth covered volleyball about 17″ in diameter in many layers – thick – all the way around, then wrapped it in tulle fabric and wrapped it with string to keep the tulle against the wool, then wet felted it by getting it wet and soapy and rubbing it a lot. Once it was sufficiently felted (which takes awhile) I cut a hole, deflated the ball and removed it through the hole. I rinsed it clean, threw it on the counter top a few times to felt it more, stretched it into shape and set it to dry in front of a fan overnight.

Wool Felt Cat Bed

I have been felting around my water bottle to make can cozys for some time now so this was not a new concept to me but the size of the ball once covered in my many layers of wool was pretty impressively large and hard to work with since the wool kept wanting to fall off the sides. Here it is with the wool all on there and rubbed while dry a little bit:


When I cut the hole, I cut it smaller than I thought it would need to be since it stretches larger when you continue to felt and rinse it. When I made my very first small one around a basketball I cut the hole a bit big so to avoid that with this one I cut a pretty small hole just big enough to get the ball out. Later on I ended up cutting the hole bigger so that a clearly well fed kitty could fit!

Group Of Owls

I made up a group of owls in time for Christmas. Having so many around at once was a lot of fun. It is hard to choose a favorite!
Needle Felt Owls

Rounding Out Another Year

Happy Holiday season! It’s a busy time of year and I love it. There have been many things going on in my little corner of the world, many artsy things and some darn good food things too. I’ve been stocking the freezer with homemade no-bake cookies (dark chocolate + nuts) on a regular basis, roasted a few seasonal squash (even a new one I had not had before), had the crock pot going with batches of beans for many days, and I believe I have mastered the art of stir frying broccoli in many different flavor variations (I love cayenne pepper flakes + powder, spicy hot!) so that I never tire of it and my meat loving companion says the same thing. That’s how I know I really succeeded. Some nights I am busy crafting so I don’t cook as much as I would like but that’s OK.. I have even more fun making things that don’t get gobbled up!

One of the projects that I wiggled in between other must-do projects was something I have been wanting to do for over a year…. A hollow book with a stash spot cut for a whiskey flask:

Hollow Book With Flask     Hollow Book With Flask

A few months earlier I ordered an 8oz flask and had it sitting in plain view so it was on my mind frequently. I figured the book titled “The Encyclopedia of Modern American Humor” would be appropriate to contain a flask and it is one of my favorite books to cut up.  I chose to cut the bottom square and round the top so the flask would fit in there snug. AND HOW! Oh man! I did not think about it when I started so when I finished I was extra pleased, the natural angle that happens when cutting the books by hand keeps the flask inside without any other restraints! It pops out with your fingers and it’s easy to put back in too. I must say that I’m very proud of this one and will be looking forward to creating many more!

Humor Hollow Book With Flask

Besides the flask book I have been doing a few others.. The Goblet of Fire into an eReader case, Neverending Story, Pet Sematary, Dracula, and more..

Goblet Of Fire eReader Case

Neverending Story Hollow Book Box

Pet Sematary Hollow Book Box

Needle felting continues as well, here are a few things I’ve made recently.. I love them all :

Needle Felted Snowmen

Needle Felt Snowman   Needle Felt Snowman

Blue Felted Turtle

Needle Felt Wool Mouse

And I started making pins out of single felt flowers!

Felt Flower Brooch Pin   Felt Flower Brooch Pin

2012 has been great but I am really gunning for 2013! The peaceful calm of January will be GREAT for starting new projects… and the summer ahead is sure to be one of the best ever.