Best Friends With Bracelets To Prove It

So. I have a best girl friend, as every girl should have! She is the salt in my bread .. I mean, she’s really cool and I think we make life a little easier for each other. I met this lovely lady during high school, on the bus!, in Minnesota.. I think the year was 2001…

Family Photoshoot
I’m on the left, she’s on the right.

10 years later (and then some) here we are! Still BFF’ing it up. So we mutually decided we could commit to BFF jewelry.. The kind where they split up a saying between the two pieces. Not long after that conversation she sneakily had my aunt, Charlene Paulson, custom make us matching bracelets that say “Best Friends”!

Best Friends Bracelet

When I was visiting her she put my bracelet on my wrist for the first time and we jingle-jangled together all day. I am ‘st ends’. BEST BRACELET (AND BEST FRIEND) EVER!

Best Friends Bracelet

Best Friends Bracelet